Friday, October 10, 2008

Slow Days in San Jose, CR

Hey everyone,
I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting my next blog (by some I mean Margaret). The truth is I don´t have a whole lot to write about right now. We left Panama last Friday for Costa Rica, so today I guess we´ve been here officially one week! We spent the first weekend in the Caribbean coastal towns of Puerto Viejo and Cahuita. While they were cute towns, we were cautioned by lonely planet as well as the locals that they weren´t safe places, and to never walk at night, even in groups. This made it a little difficult for us to relax, as I´m sure you can imagine, nobody wants to get mugged or raped. Sooo. Friday night we went to a place called Rocking J´s which is a hostal and bar. There was a live band playing, and free in the mouth shots for girls, but we were feeling pretty tired and relaxed, so we didnt stay too long. We walked back to town with some friendly psudo gypsies, who were doing fire dancing for no aparent reason or desire of profit. They were really sweet, 2 guys and one girl. One guys name was Elie... super addorable. Aaaanyways.
Saturday we spent the day in Cahuita, about a 30 minute bus ride from Puerto Viejo on a dusty partially dirt road, were the buses go about 60 mph, passing people in the wrong lane. We made our way through the quite town, to the water front. The beach we found was also a national park, so we made a donation, and walked down a trail in the shady coverings of trees, searching for a more secluded spot on the beach. As we made our way, we sighted a sloth (everyone knows they´re my favorite!) and an entire tree full of howler monkeys, in transit from one tree to the next. We swam in the mediocre water, and me being, well, me, I took off my bathing suit and enjoyed the waves.
Sunday morning we went to catch the bus to San Jose but came across the problem that the bus we wanted to catch was full. So we first had to take a bus to Puerto Limon, and then on to San Jose, adding about 2 hours to our trip. We learned a valuable lesson about buying bus tickets the day before when possible now. After our long and tiring trip to San Jose, we took a taxi and arrived at our timeshare.
The place is huge, but I must admit its nice for Lindsay and I to have some space to ourselves. We´ve been cooking all of our meals, and pretty much just staying in. One day we went into the actual city, but it was just terribly dirty, crowded, and rainy. Everyone, even the tax driver on the way there, warned us about how dangerous it was. It´s hard to navigate because there are no street names, only land marks used. We went to an incredibly overpriced Marcado Artesanias, and Lindsay got ripped off buying earings which we then saw on the street for 1/5 of the price. I miss Panama.
Tonight I think we will call some people we met in Bocas who are teaching english here in the city, and all go out together. We leave sunday morning for Nicaragua, and will hopefully arrive on the Isla de Ometepe by Sunday night, if all things go accordingly. Sorry I don´t have more of interest to share. It´s been a prety low key week. Next time I should have more!
Ciao everyone!

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